Tuesday, July 27, 2010


A few years ago my husband, Dave, went to his doctor in Amherst for an annual physical.  At the end of the examination the doctor was going through a series of questions that seemed reasonable until the doctor asked, “Do you have any firearms in the house?  Are they under lock and key? Are their children in the house?” and several similar questions.  Dave’s response was universally “None of your business!”  
Since when did these kind of questions become acceptable for your family doctor to ask?  When did this kind of political correctness become standard fair?  It was not that many years ago that firearms safety and marksmanship were taught in our public schools.  My father had rifles in the house and Dave still has the original shotgun he bought from money he earned mowing lawns when he was 11.  Firearms used to be part of what you found in every home, just like you found tools to repair the car.  Today too many homes don’t even have tools to repair the family car (if they could). The idea of your family doctor asking the questions like Dave was asked would have only happened if the Doc wanted to borrow a rifle to go hunting.
Isn’t time we tell people and groups like this that it’s “None of Your Business?”  When did our right to bear arms become a health issue?  
So parents. . . what will you do to teach your children about firearms?  Are you going to let your family doctor assume your role?  You may want to take advantage of programs like Eddie Eagle, or those taught at your local fish and game club.  But, most importantly don’t let your precious Second Amendment disappear into the grayness of political correctness.  I can promise you that my family won’t let this happen and when I’m elected your Governor I’ll fight for your rights as parents to do the same.

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