New Hampshire has been a hotbed for free thinking, independent minded people since our very foundation – so independent, in early American history we tried to conquer Canada whenever the mood took us and all but allied with Great Britain during the War of 1812. While most of us do not look back at these moments with pride (especially since our best effort at invading Canada only resulted in one of our own shooting himself in the foot), these examples are indicative of the spirit of New Hampshire which has until recently imparted our state with enormous prosperity often referred to as The New Hampshire Advantage.
So what happened to us? Why do we continually cede our will to the government’s will? Why can we not see that dependence on federal, state and local handouts inevitably leads to a decline in personal responsibility and to a culture of entitlement? Why can we not see that the more government taxes those that succeed the more it reduces the incentive to succeed? When government interferes with the engines of industry through overregulation and onerous taxation to the extent that the Lynch administration has the result is general decline. Entrepreneurship declines. Successful businesses stop hiring, freeze wages, slow development and research and are often forced to either close doors or leave town. Our children are forced to leave the state to find rewarding careers. Ultimately we become financially and morally bankrupt.
The evidence is clear: under just five years with a progressive minded yes-man in the corner office our business friendliness rating has dropped from #14 to #34 in the nation, unemployment is at its highest point in twenty years, the budget deficit is $300 million dollars despite over 100 proposed additional taxes, and the younger generation is leaving the state en masse. If we are to bring back The New Hampshire Advantage, we must redevelop that uniquely New Hampshire spirit of independence. This revolution has to start at the home, in the families and in our schools. As a civil servant who wants to see her grand children inherit the state we once knew, I will fight to let you reclaim your independence.
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