Sunday, March 28, 2010

Legislated Term Limits - Bad Idea

Self imposed or voter determined term limits are best for our nation.  This was the original intent of our Founding Fathers, allowing for the people to have the last say.  

However, legislated term limits puts the unelected hired staffers in charge.  That is like allowing un-elected judges to make policy.  Legislated term limits give the unelected staffers more power and influence over the laws with limited checks or balance.
The attached article from Politico illustrates how working for The United States House of Representatives is a pretty sweet deal. You don't have to run for office, you don't have to work all year, you get to go home early most Fridays, get to know wealthy, powerful people, eat good food, attend ritzy events, you influence a man or woman who makes our nation's laws because you have their ear, oh,.....and you can make $172,500/year.  

Legislated term limits remove the final checks and balance established by the the people. 

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